Global Warming or Global Governance?

2 years ago

If you were to ask ten people on the street if mankind was causing global warming, at least eight out of ten would say yes. After all, Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth provides incontrovertible "evidence" that this is the case. Yet, contrary to what is heard in the mainstream propaganda media, which everyone with two brain cells to rub together ought to know lies to us all the time, there is overwhelming evidence that we experienced during the 90s was completely natural. Nor is there any scientific consensus on the topic, as is always claimed. The number one driver of Earth's climate is the Sun (Duh!), and the second is water vapor, which is the number one Greenhouse Gas.
That's why the Globalists changed their meme from "Global Warming" to what the call their Bogeyman now, "Climate Change." Now we must be alarmed that the climate changes. As if the climate is something that should be static, and unchanging. Climate is always in a constant state of change, and has been for billions of years. Wow!
The only concesus that actually exists on the topic of Anthropogenic Global Warming is among the small group of scientists who work for the United Nation's IPCC. Tens of thousands of other environmental scientists not only disagree with the IPCC, they have thoroughly debunked the idea of anthropogenic global warming, including the Michael Mann's infamous Hockey Stick graph that was published by Al Gore in his Inconvenient Truth screed.
No. The Thirteen Families who bought up and now control this world using the unlimited amounts of counterfeit currency at their disposal since they took over our nation's once honest monetary system want a one world government that will be administered by the United Nations (their creation in 1945) for their own selfish benefit, and in order to get the world to accept global governance, they need a "global" problem that only their global sulution will solve, even if it's a fake problem like COVID-19, or the ridiculous idea that carbon dioxide (the Gas of Life) is causing global warming.
Their next global problem will by the collapse of their fraudulent monetary system. You watch. That too will require a global solution; their pre-made solution, which will be an even worse and more fraudulent and controlling system for mankind than the one we now live under.

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