The Truth Will Be Toad! Part 24, The Complete Creation, 3rd Edition

2 years ago

The Truth Will Be Toad! Part 24 of Complete Creation, 3rd Edition.
In this part, we further address the false claim that there's no carbon 14 in fossils by further examining preserved blood from copious dinosaur fossils and then even living animals still preserved in rocks, clays and gravels alleged to be 430 million years old.

Random References:

Echoes of the Jurassic, 2017 DVD and
iDino special edition, Creation Research Society Quarterly magazine

Verleichenden Studien fiber den mikroskopischen knochenbau fossiler und rezenter Reptilien, A. L. Seitz, 1907
Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae gertnanicae naturae curiosorum, Volume 37, pg 329-330 and table XXL

Paleopathology, an Introduction to the Study of Ancient Evidences of Disease
R.L. Moodie, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Ill., 1923, pg 165

Small Spheres in Fossil Bones: Blood Corpuscles or Diagenetic Products?
David M. Martill and David M. Unwin, Palaeontology, Vol. 40, Part 3, 1997, pp. 619-624

Soft Tissue Vessels and Cellular Preservation in Tyrannosaurus rex
Mary H. Schweitzer, et. al., Science, Vol. 307, pp 1952, 25 Mar 2005
DOI: 10.1126/science.1108397

Blood vessels and red blood cells preserved in dinosaur bones
Roman Pawlicki and Maria Nowogrodzka·Zagóiska
Annals of Anatomy, 1998, Vol 180: pp73-77

Soft sheets of fibrillar bone from a fossil of the supraorbital horn of the dinosaur Triceratops horridus, Armitage & Anderson, February 13, 2013, Acta Histochemica

Soft Bone Material from a Brow Horn of a Triceratops horridus
from Hell Creek Formation, Montana
Mark Armitage, CRSQ 2015, 51:248-258

Soft Serve Dinosaur, Genesis Week S03 E26 with special guest Mark Armitage

Tombed Torpid Toads Tell Tellurian Truth, The Wiggs-Watson Report, a Legacy
Research associated with Creation Evidences Museum & Archaeological Excavations
FM 205 at Paluxy River Bridge, P.O.Box 309, Glen Rose,Texas 76043
Republished with permission at:

First report of toads found alive in solid limestone, also human footprints from St. Louis
The American Journal of Science and Arts, Benjamin Silliman, editor, Vol.V. 1822
Printed by S. Converse, New Haven,
Living Toads: pp. 226-227
Footprints: pp. 223-228

Frogs and toads found alive in solid limestone
The American Journal of Science and Arts, Benjamin Silliman, editor, Vol. XIX. 1831
Printed by Hezekiah Howe and A.H. Maltby, Philadelphia, pp. 167-170

Multiple toads (including one now white in colour) found in solid slate, limestone and sandstone in England
Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, William Blackwood, editor, Vol. VI, No. XXXIV, Jan. 1820, Oliver & Boyd, Printers, Edinburgh, pp. 437-441

Living clams buried in Silurian clays, excavated fried and eaten by labourers
The American Journal of Science and Arts, Benjamin Silliman, editor, Vol. XV. 1829
Printed by Hezekiah Howe and A.H. Maltby, Philadelphia, pp. 249

Cruel and unusual experiments on animals in hibernation / torpidity
The American Journal of Science and Arts, Benjamin Silliman, editor, Vol. IV. 1825
Printed by S. Converse, New Haven, pp. 75-83

More cruel and unusual experiments on animals in hibernation / torpidity, more reports of toads in clays and tree trunks
On the vitality of toads, &c. enclosed in firm materials, Art. IV, Wm. A. Thompson
The American Journal of Science and Arts, Benjamin Silliman, editor, Vol. XXV. 1834
Printed by Hezekiah Howe and A.H. Maltby, Philadelphia, pp. 41-47

Toad You So! Genesis Week, Episode 25, season 2

Microstructure and Biogeochemistry of the Organically Preserved Ediacaran Metazoan Sabellidites
Moczydlowska, et. al., Journal of Paleontology, V. 88 no. 2, pp224-239
doi: 10.1666/13-003

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