False Prophets of American Babylon

2 years ago

For more info about America, the Babylon:

This message was aired on the TRUE GOSPEL BROADCAST of April 6, 2014, Liberty Works Radio Network (Sundays at
am & pm, www.libertyworksradionetwork.com). This message was excerpted from original message preached 7/21/13. This is the first of five messages in the series "America the Babylon." Bible texts: 1 Kings 12-13 and Revelation 18. Several great lessons with direct application to our time are gleaned from this Old Testament story of the rise and fall of Jeroboam, Son of Nebat, who led the 10 northern tribes of Israel in a tax revolt against Solomon’s son Rehoboam, formed the northern kingdom of Israel, and then led Israel deeper into idolatry, to be publicly rebuked by a true prophet of God, who was himself then deceived at Bethel by a false prophet:

God never contradicts Himself
What you do with God’s word determines what God will do with you
There is no latter-day prophet with a new revelation for God’s people
God confirms the concept of “government of the people”, as expressed in America’s Declaration of Independence; that civil government is to secure the rights of the people, deriving its just powers from the consent of the governed, and as is STILL TRUE TODAY - that “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government...” We DO have a Biblical right to collectively throw off the tyrannical chains of the “New World Order” - but we conclude that such a prospect is impossible today, and not in God’s plan, because America is fallen, and HAS in fact become “Babylon” of Rev. 18, with full support of the false prophets in its apostate churches.
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