#11 - Purpose in Hardship

3 years ago

This week we discuss Acts 14:22, and what it means to us to "enter into the Kingdom through many hardships."

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Episode Synopsis

Segment One:

*We begin by discussing why Abba allows us to walk through hardships.
*We talk a bit about the invasion of Ukraine, what it might mean for all of us moving forward, and Carl's concern about the possible prophetic implications.
**Is God telling a world obsessed with their own glory to glorify Him?
*Carl discusses what he calls "confirmations" from God, and how the logistics and timing involved often proves that He can and will plan out even our individual steps. He is in complete control.

Mid-Episode Song Break:

"Ladies and Gentlemen" by WesBlaze

Segment Two:

*Chris asks, "What does it mean to honor your father and your mother?"
**How does that command apply when your parents are "ungodly" or acting in "rebellion"?
*Carl concludes the episode by sharing his own takeaway from Acts 14:22: We need to be refined through hardships on our journey toward the Kingdom.
**That refinement, as a process, brings us closer to the "holiness" God desires for us, but what does that mean?

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