Why men avoid the truth [CLIP]

2 years ago

We can rightfully criticize men for living at the surface of life, hiding cowardly the little bubble of society to avoid facing the reality that lies underneath. But there is a reason for this. The condition of enslavement we find ourselves in as men is so profoundly opposite to the position we believe we are in - facing the true reality is akin to death. While the woman by nature will adapt to become subservient to the system, the man will never accept to be a slave. He has to delude himself all the more to preserve his ego and avoid the shock of his true condition.

👉 This short clip is an extract from the Journey of Manhood series [S6E1] ~ check out the video card to watch the full conversation!

#newslaves #modernslavery #patriarchy


Asahd Anaami is a world class teacher, visionary, savvy entrepreneur and seasoned medicine man with 25 years of experience in the yogic and healing arts & sciences. He teaches men from all walks of life to create a life of integrity, aligned with their deepest values, ideals and aspirations, in service of others.


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Thumbnail Image âž› Source Unknown

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