Do Not Fear, Beloved. Be Encouraged. Here's Where We Are. Luke 21 Study. Jesus Is Almost Here.

2 years ago

Do Not Fear, Beloved. Be Encouraged. Here's Where We Are In The Timeline. Luke 21 Study. Jesus Is Almost Here. I've come to a crossroads, with respect to the sorts of videos I make. My ministry, as I've always said, is to the non believers, (like I used to be). And trying to show them how, the things going on in the world, were foretold in the bible, in hopes of changing minds...but I'm starting to think, the time for that is over. The feedback I'm getting is, well...mostly bad, to be perfectly honest. I think folks have chosen their sides now, so I'm going to shift gears for a minute, to INSTEAD of trying to reach non-believers, now I want to encourage actual believers that are afraid.

The ark doors are closing. If you think I sound crazy, how do you think Noah sounded?

May God bless each and every one of you.

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