Why I’ll Never Go-Kart Again (Reddit Creepy Story)

2 years ago

Top Reddit Stories: Why I’ll Never Go-Kart Again

Full Story:
I just want to start of by saying that to make this story easier to understand, I’m going to use a lot of dialogue. Obviously this wasn’t recorded so these aren’t the exact words of anyone involved in this experience, I’m just trying to tell it as best as possible and I think it’ll benefit me and you if I use a lot of quotes. Just keep in mind most of it is not direct. This’ll be a long one, so let’s just get into it. (I wrote this at 2 AM and I have corona so I apologize in advance)

This happened in 2015 when I was 16 and still living in my hometown, a forgotten little beach town in the middle of nowhere that’s so remote it’s probably not even known by surrounding areas.

Basically there’s three things you can do there as a teenager. Go to the movies, swim, or go to this pathetic little place called Miller’s Fun Park. It’s relatively similar to a lot of fun park type things, only a whole lot worse.

There’s a arcade with broken ski ball machines, batting cages that probably haven’t been used since the early eighties, a pathetic mini golf course and the most dangerous go-karts you’ve probably ever seen in your life. Seriously.

Miller’s Fun Park is on the edge of a field. On the opposite side of the field about three miles down is the beach, and across the single street are woods. If our town is in the middle of nowhere, Miller’s is practically on the moon.

Anyway, getting into the story. My cousin Emma and I decided one summer night that we wanted to go go-karting. It was around 10 pm, so we knew it’d be almost deserted, but that was the way we liked it.

I picked her up from her house and we made the long drive down. Once we had arrived and parked in the nearly empty lot, we hopped out of the car and paid for some go-karting tickets. The same people had worked there forever I swear to god.

There was no one there except for a few boys in the arcade, and a guy who looked to be in his 60s sitting on a bench near the batting cages.

Emma and I paid him no mind and went to the go-kart track. Like I said, these karts were incredibly dangerous, so I was focused on nothing but making sure I wasn’t going to skid and flip as we raced way too fast around the windy track.

This is why I didn’t notice the guy walking over to the fence, and why I didn’t notice him watching us until we pulled into the lanes after our last lap. He was standing on the other side of the fence, right where I parked.

He stared at me with the most unsettling expression, a creepy smile playing on his cracked lips as his dark eyes gleamed. I managed an uneasy smile back, handed another ticket to the guy running the go karts (who was obviously higher than a kite) and Emma and I went off again.

This time I couldn’t focus. The dude gave me the worst type of feeling. My eyes were constantly finding their way to the metal fence where he stood, unmoving and watching us every time we were in his view. And the thing that was bothering me the most was we had only bought 3 tickets, we were on our second to last run and he was standing directly next to the exit gate. I was just praying he’d move before we were done.

But of course, no such luck. Our last go came and went, and I had no choice but to pull in next to him, unbuckle my seatbelt and get out of my go-kart.

I glanced over at Emma a few feet away as I opened the exit gate to see if she was as scared as I was, but she didn’t seem to notice as she bounced over and bragged about she had beat me the last two times.

I was barely listening. I opened the gate, and the guy stepped in front of me just as I was leaving.

“Hey there.” he said. His voice was dry and he smelled of cigarettes. “What are you cute girls doing all alone here?”

My eyes darted over to Emma, who was looking at the dude with both confusion and annoyance.

“Uh, what?” she said, pushing past the gate so she stood beside me.

“It’s so late.” his tone was as hungry as his eyes, and he reminded me of a snake. “Do your parents now you’re out?”

“Yes,” I answered quickly. “They’re waiting for us actually. We need to get going.”

This was a lie and probably sounded like it from my tone, but I tried to push past him anyway. It didn’t work. He grabbed my shoulder to keep me in front of him.

“Nonsense. I saw you girls pull up alone.”

On this r/askreddit channel i show you the reddit stories. All you need to do is search reddit stories in the rumble search.

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