Made in America: Fuel Shortages and Skyrocketing Inflation

2 years ago

[00:30] Russia-Ukraine Peace Talks in Jerusalem? (15 minutes)

On Saturday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called for Vladimir Putin to meet with him in Jerusalem for peace talks. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has offered to mediate. Will peace talks held in a city historically rife with war and division be the solution to the war in Ukraine?

[15:55] The Biden Agenda and Its Impact on America’s Economy (15 minutes)

On Friday, an angry Joe Biden told the House Democratic Caucus, “I am sick of this stuff. American people think the reason for inflation is the government spending more money—simply not true.” This claim comes even as gas prices continue to soar in America and Mr. Biden looks to Iran, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for help, rather than American oil companies.

[30:35] Trump Derangement Syndrome (24 minutes)

In his booklet America Under Attack, my father writes, “The devil, who comes as an ‘angel of light,’ is using his powers of deceit and intimidation to get a stranglehold on this nation!” The Communist attack on Donald Trump’s America is not without a spiritual influence. What is happening in America today happened to God’s Church after the death of Herbert W. Armstrong. The same spirit that led the Laodicean revolt in the 1980s is now leading the Communist revolution in America.

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