What Kind of Man Are You? Natural, Spiritual or Carnal

2 years ago

As Christians we tend to lump the people of this world into two categories: the saved and the lost; "the saints and the ain'ts." But Paul says in this text that there's really three categories of people:
(1) the natural man who is unregenerate and unsaved, who has no desire for the things of God or the word of God;
(2) the spiritual man who has been born-again and is walking in the power and conviction of the Holy Spirit and bearing fruit; and:
(3) the saint that lives like an "ain't" - the carnal Christian who either remains immature and never seems to grow up, or perhaps one who is a mature believer but who backslides and falls back into the sin that makes him miserable. Whatever the cause of your carnality God has a remedy. But what you do with God's word determines what God will do with you. Regeneration and restoration both come through repentance.

This sermon was preached by Pastor Sam Adams on 11-11-2018 at Independence Baptist Church in Ocala, Florida. Bible text: 1 Corinthians
-3:3; Matthew 13:3-23.

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