Tucker Carlson Tonight 14 Mar 2022

2 years ago

Apparently you are only allowed one opinion. Any deviation is grounds for arrest for treason. This is my takeaway from this only slightly hyperbolic analysis of the uniparty to Tucker's and Tulsi Gabbard's discussion on one of his recent episodes. As a career military veteran, I have plenty of friends that rejected "all things Covid propaganda" but swallowed hook, line and sinker the "all things Russia" propaganda from the talking heads from the Uniparty and their useful idiots. Sad to see, but not too surprising. All I can say is that if you find yourself on the same side of an issue with Mitt Romney, the idiots on The View, Tony Blinken and every single MSM network, you might want to rethink your position.
The globalist cabal is beating the war drums and most people are just tapping their feet with the beat. This is NOT a simple issue, but involving NATO (USA) is not going to make it better. Ukraine is Kleptocracy and their internal political situation is at best complicated and at worst an unworkable conglomeration. It is also none of our business, at least not enough of our business to wage a war on one side or the other. Sorry, not sorry. So while Permanent Washington and the MSM useful idiots push a single message, Tucker is pushing back, God bless him. Tulsi Gabbard rejoins Tucker to discuss.
On the ground update from Greg Palkot in Kiev.
UN Secy Gen (not a fan) acknowledges that the possibility of a nuclear war in Europe (and hence the world) has ratcheted upwards. Harry Kazianis from the Center for the National Interest, joins Tucker to discuss this growing and disturbing threat.
Amazon is moving employees out of Seattle because Seattle is spiraling the drain. Jason Rantz joins Tucker to give an update.
Stephen Miller joins Tucker to give his useful intelligent, accurate update on the US Southern "border" situation. Never forget and never forgive what the IIC regime is doing this country.
Tucker discusses the "bioweapon" situation in Ukraine. None of us, and probably no one person can know what is going on over there wrt bioweapons and bioweapon research, but apparently talking about it makes you a traitor to America.
Gad Saad sat with Tucker on TC Today. He's very sharp and discusses the USA's steady movement towards a Beirut future. This is one to watch.

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