Satan's Historic Attack on the Bible: King James Bible Authority

2 years ago

Part 1 of a series of sermons exposing the literally thousands of Satanic deletions, substitutions and other corruptions in the modern "Bible" versions, which "per-versions" and pseudo-Bibles include the NIV, NASV, ESV, CEV, ISV, and even the NKJV, while defending the sole authority of the King James Bible for faith and practice. Part 1 in the series covers the history of Satan's attack through the ages while Part 2 then presents and analyzes a sampling of the MANY Satanic corruptions themselves that occur in the modern "Bible" PerVersions.

This sermon was preached by Pastor Sam Adams on 5-12-2019 at Independence Baptist Church in Ocala, Florida. Bible text: Matthew 4:4, Isaiah 66:1-2.

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