Lamentations for Nations'

2 years ago

How has the Land of the Free, where we vote for our representative..came to this? The people once ruled this Nation, but now we are just peasants.

They play with our lives, like we are blind. It's got to stop, humanity has had enough. It's time to rise up, for the future of all mankind.

Far from free, we all became slaves.
Slaves to something, but there's freedom only through Him.
Look with another perception and gain a new perspective.
Life here is too short to waste it away by playing the victim.
Want to send our children to war for no reason.
To cover your tracks to this world you've been deceiving.
Sick of seeing all the chaos you've been creating and leaving room for plausible deniability.
Then it's always everyone else's blood that's shedding.
And all you call them are deplorables. Weeded out the ones with true character and kept the yes men to do your favors.
Speaking of a draft, taking our line of defense, with our borders wide open, we see your plan.
Your depopulation plan seems to be working, but not fast enough so it's time to create war as a back up plan.
After all you cannot control a big population, which is the point of your crimes against humanity.
So sick of this failing government that has their hand in all of this chaos that's occuring.
Now they are active in killing the baby boomers for their money, because their lives mean nothing.
Not to mention destroying our reproductive systems.
The time will come when our governments will be judged for their crimes against humanity.
If we don't get there today, know that the Lord's Vengeance is coming their way.
Among this wicked generation.
How did America come to this?
It's important to learn History, so we don't repeat it. We've lossed at least an entire generation for the lack of education.
Baby's having Babies if we are lucky, all thanks to the Parenthood plan.
God hates the hands that shed innocent blood. Can't be surprised if He doesn't come rescue us.
Judgement is on our door knocking, but like Nineveh if we turn in repentance to Him, He'll heal our Nation.
All I see is hardening of the heart, stiff necked people who refuse to acknowledge they are part of the plan.
It's time to stop being part of the problem and become part of the solution. Be in the world, but not of the world. Where is the Light in all this darkness? Where is the salt of the earth that we are called to be?
I think we are in need in the highest degree.
Lord help us to see a brighter day for humanity. Please restore our empathy. And destroy this apathy.
Please God, heal our land.

2 Chronicles 7:14
"14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

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