How to Kick MATRIX HABITS/Old Programming of the Elites FOR US; Recreate OUR DIVINE BLUEPRINT Within

2 years ago

Here is Your "NIGHTLY" Reprogramming Script... to Help You ALL to See THAT EVERYTHING THAT Comes to Be, "FIRSTLY" COMES TO BE from WITHIN YOU (& No Where ELSE.!)

No one is going to help you; that is, UNTIL YOU FIRST BEGIN TO HELP YOURSELF!! The work is truly YOURS TO BE/DO here; We are being HELPED & GUIDED by the Divine, but THE WORK is truly OURS to Be & Do ***

Now, Something NEW FOR YOU:
HOW CAN WE KICK The Matrix HABITS/Our Belief Systems Within/Old Programming Habits of the Elites here, FOR US!? By Replacing or Creating Within Us SOMETHING NEW... "Hypnotically/Subliminally" through (((HYPNOSIS and/or REPETITION!)))


REPROGRAMMING, Back to Our Original DIVINE BLUEPRINT... here are Your Steps in CREATING A NEW SYSTEM OF IMPROVEMENTS "Within US ALL" 🔮👼🏽💰 #manifestation #manifestor #ascension #creativegenius #twinflame #Reprogramyourself

HOW SWIFTLY We Begin to Believe THE NONSENSE... that We Are NOT ALL "Divine Beings" here, CAPABLE OF TRULY MIRACULOUS THINGS!! 💥 #weareone #diversity

Those PLAYLISTS ARE "DAILY" Reprogramming Scripts... AGAIN, to Help You ALL to SEE that EVERYTHING that Comes to Be, "FIRSTLY COMES TO BE" from WITHIN YOU (& No Where ELSE.!)

These SHORTS are being presented for YOUR LISTENING PLEASURE & THE ARTS in being GIVEN TO YOU "MESSAGES"... which THEN ARE IMPLEMENTED on into YOUR OWN SUBCONSCIOUS MINDSETS; which will Then "WORK FOR YOU" instead of Continuing to WORK AGAINST YOU... and this is ALL BEING DONE FOR YOU, Now!! ~ The ANGELIC REALM

We are Star Revelations/Sunshine Duo... Sharing All of the Ways THROUGH "Expansion/ASCENSION!" What does it mean to EXPAND/to ASCEND... well, it only means TO GRAB YOUR OWN BULL BY THE HORNS & TAKE YOUR OWN LEAP OF FAITH into the Unknowns here "With US"/Your Angelic Guides... Guiding You ALL on Home to US.

Welcome Star Family! We literally are TRUE CREATORS/MANIFESTORS... We just don't seem to KNOW IT, but Now We/The Divine are here TO TEACH YOU ALL; so we're Coming on Board to help teach you all about "Ascension and Manifestation"; WE ARE TRUE CREATORS!!

Just to mean, THAT NONE OF US is "NOT" here FOR THE OTHER ONE "in the Ways" THAT DO MATTER; because Why, YOU ASK... Well because, IF IT DID NOT MATTER who you were here BEING/DOING "As or In"; well then, WHY WOULD WE BE HERE "Teaching You ALL" all of the true ways of the west, from Deep Within You(s)?

These BOOKS, WORKBOOKS, ORACLE CARD READINGS... in fact, ALL OF THIS TRUE "STUFF" here, REALLY Is/Was & Always Will be FOR THE EACH OF YOU TO TAKE ON and to then RUN WITH IT ALL... to REACH "All of Your Very Own" TRUE PINNACLE PEAKS of True Successes here then too!!

~ The Angels/your own ANGELIC GUIDES, "Guiding you all on Home" to Us!" Amen.
We are here TEACHING YOU ALL "All of the True Ways of the West" from Deep Within You(s) ALL... to then, ROCKET YOURSELVES on into EVEN MORE here, by Ways of "YOUR OWN Going Within(s)" FOR IT ALL.

THE CREATION SERIES of Materials (And MORE) can be found @

As a Divine Channel for the Mother Goddess & Her Special Band of Angelic Helpers from Within the Kingdom of the Heavens since (October 2004/Shannon Lynn); We are now bringing forward Many Teaching's of THE CREATION SERIES of Materials in which have come through FOR ALL OF US (As We've been LIVING Them for ALL of these Many Years!) I am also a retired Spiritual Hypnotherapist who kept busy CHANNELING Scripts & Audios for Many Years!

#expansion #ascension #manifestation
Disclaimer: We are here in helping you to create and to live your very best life! By law, we cannot make any guarantees about your ability to produce results in accordance to all that we bring forward online within our programs/services… All tools and strategies/Divinely channeled works of art are shared with your very own abilities in mind; meaning that you are the one whom needs to take the ball and run with it… Shannon Yung/Shaniya Yung/Script Your Dream Life will not be held liable for results or lack of results achieved through implementing the ideas contained herein… We are only giving you tools needed in the access of all of this – we cannot and do not guarantee exact results of any kind; but that being said, you are much more powerful than you could ever imagine yourself to be and we are here in the helping of you to not only create your best self… but to be living it!

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