2 years ago

Yo Explorer's. Welcome to Van Life Adventures with Eric Kasey. Please subscribe to my channel so you never miss a day of my journey and while your at it, check out my photography website - https://www.erickaseyphotography.com.

"Yo Explorer's. I know I already made my hour and a half save humanity movie but I thought I would upload this relatively short video to my 7 rumble channels along with an audio version on my website, I highly recommend checking out my Save Humanity Billboard which is the Activism post on my website, my Save Humanity Movie and the other stuff in the links below, I'm in the position to know and I can confirm that these images Dr. Carrie Madej captured under her compound microscope are 100% REAL, she's right about the every negative word in the books communist dictators called democrats stealing the 2020 election, blatantly using these jabs as a biological weapon to further Klaus Schwab's global depopulation plan along with everything else evil inside of Agenda 21, she's right about the top 10 people such as Joe & Hunter Biden, Barrack Obama, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab, AOC and everyone else who continue to promote these blatant bio-weapons that have killed over 20,000 real people from all ages just in the United States in only one year which is three times more than all other vaccines combined including the hundreds of thousands of injuries, she's right about them blatantly lying by calling these clot shots safe & effective, lying about it being informed consent along with trying to force these toxic injections into innocent children who are already NOT at risk period, she's right about them violating all ten counts of the international Nuremberg Code along with every other good law known to man & why they need to be hanged & fried in the American Nuremberg Trials, she's right about almost everyone in the world being awakened to the truth, the desperate need to turn completely away from the evil forces in this fallen world and turn to God by becoming saved through Jesus Christ and she's right about these death jabs needing to be stopped immediately. Another thing that seriously needs to be protected is our first amendment right of free speech, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble and so on especially considering that these demonic democrats are trying everything they can to label all of us domestic terrorists so they can round us up, throw us in a maximum security prison and torture us to death but we will NEVER let that happen because we are the 99% meaning the US population is about 300 million, there are well over 200 million of us truly positive, patriotic, God-fearing & law biding freedom fighters who just so happen to be republicans and we are just trying to live the best life we have. WE'VE ALL HAD ENOUGH OF THE BLATANT LIES such as our shot, our turn, only way, only hope, only friend, one step closer, one shot at a time, get back to normal, get back to your life, get back to what you love, get back together, build back better, better tomorrow, better together, closer together, prevent hospitalization, 100% effective and whatever else! IT'S NOT ANY OF THOSE meaning it's 0% effective and it will kill you! Just STOP IT already! ENOUGH WITH THE FUCKING LIES! I could talk forever about this but everything you ever needed to know regarding the absolute truth of this activism stuff is in my fifth & final activism picture called My Save Humanity Billboard, I'd like to give a big shoutout to Stew Peters for doing this interview, please subscribe to me and him along with checking everything out in the links below, thanks for watching, I hope you have a blessed day and peace out."

"With the power of God, my savior Jesus Christ and all of us truly positive & patriotic freedom fighting godly christians on this earth, WE WILL INCINERATE THE ENTIRE DEATH JAB SUPPLY even if I have to personally blow up every big pharma factory in the world that makes this every negative word in the books biological weapon called the C19 death jab that's killed over 20,000 real people from all ages just in the United States in only one year, hack into the vaccines . gov intentional murder website to permanently delete all of the commercials & ads and yes that's a major threat to the dictatorial Nazi CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca, a brutally murder threat to the demons called Joe & Hunter Biden, Kamala Harris, Barrack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab, Rachel Walensky, George Soros along with every other communist ass hole that stole the 2020 election and caused all of this intense pain & suffering! I'M COMING AFTER YOU, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM I AM, you will all be publicly hanged in front of the capitol building in something called the American Nuremberg Trials, IT'S 7 BILLION PEOPLE AGAINST a few MILLION which means US & GOD HAVE ALREADY WON and YOUR SATANIC REIGN called the new world order HAS CAME TO AN END & IS OVER!"

My Activism Post - https://bit.ly/3jHOIkv
My Activism Post BACKUP - https://bit.ly/3Nff2xX
My Activism Compilation #1 - https://bit.ly/3D9K6JS
My Activism Compilation #2 - https://bit.ly/3wa2r9V
Death Jab Data - https://bit.ly/369H7Dt
Legal Notice Form - https://bit.ly/3hY2wWC
Stop The WHO - https://bit.ly/38vuszw
Save Georgia - https://bit.ly/3wqXnOe
The Truth About Ukraine - https://bit.ly/3i6NQ7a
Ultimate Proof The Death Jab is Illegal & Evil - https://bit.ly/3DaCoRA
The Real Truth Behind The Toxic Train Derailment in Ohio - https://bit.ly/3S50Fjh
Let's Go Brandon Rally - https://bit.ly/3HSiFa0
Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy Protest #1 - https://bit.ly/3CDNa2y
Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy Protest #2 - https://bit.ly/3skARn1
Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy Protest #3 - https://bit.ly/3I9Uk0i
Plan to Destroy The Globalists Media - https://bit.ly/3IiQEJz
My Merch Store - https://bit.ly/33JEd7U

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