The Weekly Energy Foresight for March 14-20, 2022

2 years ago

Tarot Cards:
The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck
by: John Holland

Oracle Cards:
Healing With The Fairies
by: Hay House

March 14-20, 2022

Conflict & Defeat / Five of Swords

Continuing on from last week the change 'bug' is in full force and can make you a tad bit cranky!

Know this and be kind and gentle with yourself and others - it really will make life easier and more pleasant during these times of upheaval!

Second Card: Throat Chakra

Before speaking this week (and you will be asked to do so!) focus on your Heart & Throat Chakras before, that way you can stay calm, say things gently, and not cause tempers to flare.

If this seems difficult to do try closing your eyes and reciting affirmations, humming, singing, or chanting to calm the nerves - Namaste 🙏

Mid-Week ~ 14-17

End-Week ~ 17-20
Honoring Your True Feelings

14 - National Learn About Butterflies Day
- National Napping Day
- National Potatoe Chip Day
- National Children's Crafts Day
- National Write Down Your Story Day
- National Pi Day
- International Day of Mathematics
15 - National Pears Helene Day
- National Show the World Day
- World Social Work Day
- World Consumer Rights Day
- World Contact Day
16 - National Panda Day
- National Curl Crush Day
- National SBDC Day
- National Everything You Do Is Right Day
- National Freedom Of Information Day
- Fast Of Esther
- Purim Eve
17 - St. Patrick's Day
- National Farm Rescuer Day
- Absolutely Incredible Kid Day
- Purim
18 - National Awkward Moments Day
- National Supreme Sacrifice Day
- National Biodiesel Day
- Shushan Purim
- 🌝 Full Storm Worm Eagle Moon
19 - National Backyard Day
- National Quilting Day
- National Let's Laugh Day
- International Read to Me Day
- World Sleep Day
- 🌖 Waning Moon
20 - 🌱 Ostara
- Spring Equinox
- National Proposal Day
- World Flour Day
- World Oral Health Day
- World Storytelling Day
- International Day of Happiness
- ♈ Sun Enters Aries


🎶 Envato & Kevin MacLeod

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