বিয়ে বাড়ির উড়াধুরা নাচ না দেখলে মিস

3 years ago

description :: Welcome to CMT SCHOOL. First of all thanks to those who are watching this video of mine. Friends, subscribe to my CMT SCHOOL channel to get new videos. This is a wedding house song. This song is played by Fani Chandra Rishi. Play Casio and Bashi at the same time. There are all kinds of instruments like Jatra Pala, Wedding Ceremony, Gaye Halud, Rally with Cultural Ceremony etc. Contact address Matiar Gaibanda: 01736795180 Fani Kishoreganj; 01740290348 subscribes link :: https: //www.youtube.com/channel/UCt5JpeswTj_I3LAYPZf0aDw

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