The Great Solar Flash - David Wilcock

2 years ago

Join David in this fascinating, cinematic journey into prophecy, superstition and scientific fact -- surveying compelling new evidence suggesting our world will NOT be destroyed, despite many prophecies to the contrary.

Ancient mythologies encoded this "Precession of the Equinoxes" in many ingenious ways that suggest the involvement of a higher intelligence.

In this groundbreaking debut of never-before-seen information for the general public, David shares compelling evidence suggesting that the anticipated December 21st, 2012 solar flash did indeed occur -- just not in our solar system.

I (Tirzah Channel) believe God is in control. I have heard about the solar flash from other sources and it's something to be celebrated (only darkness fears it). We are evolving here, waking up and We shall defeat evil and rise in consciousness and experience a golden age...I also believe that Trump and Putin are working together to bring down the "new world order".

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