Ukraine Support Rally - Mar. 1, 2022 Tavares, FL - America Supports Ukraine

2 years ago

Video Length 57 min; 3.3 GB

The March 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine and support for Ukrainian refugees was discussed by several speakers at this one-hour "American Supports Ukraine" rally held at the Tavares, FL Historical Museum. It was organized by the Lake County, FL Board of Commissioners, and moderated by Board Chair Sean Parks. Speakers included:

- Pam Jones sang the National Anthem
- Prayer Leaders:
- Pastor Brooks Braswell, Umatilla First Baptist
- Rabbi Moshe Dubinsky, Chabad South Lake County, FL
- Guest Speakers:
- Carey Baker, current Lake County Property Appraiser who served two tours in Ukraine.
- Sean Sullivan - Director of a Ukraine support charity ( for 22 years, and who just returned to the US from Ukraine.
- Congressman Mike Waltz (via Zoom) - The first Green Beret to serve in Congress, Mike Waltz is a Florida native, a combat-decorated veteran, former White House and Pentagon advisor.
- Leslie Campione - Lake County Board Commissioner and former Chair. She is an attorney in Lake County
- Clermont Police Chief Chuck Broadway
- Conclusion: Playing of the Ukraine National Anthem.

You can find how you can help Ukraine citizens at: - to help Jews in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine - based in Clermont, but runs child aid centers in Ukraine (for 22 years).

Video by Vance Jochim of the Lake County, FL fiscal watchdog blog

Video recorded Mar. 1, 2022 and uploaded Mar 13, 2022.
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Facebook - Many more pictures will be posted March 5, 2022 on our FiscalRangersLakeCounty Facebook GROUP.

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