Pastor Homer Evins Jr March 13 2022 - Building a Firm Foundation II

2 years ago

Pastor Homer Evins Jr March 13 2022 - Building a Firm Foundation II

Bible Teaching from God's Word:
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Building A Firm Foundation
I Cor. 3:11 (NKJV)
'For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. '

I. The Solid Rock I Stand (Psa. 119:11)
 Good Morning!! I’m so glad that you are here today!!
 Today we are taking a look at a familiar passage.
 How familiar? We looked at it last week! LOL!
 Look at this text one more time.
 As we examine this text we must take into account the assurity found here.
 Listen to Psalms 119:11.
 Do you see power in this?
 Expound on why this important.

II. Builidng Blocks (I Pet. 2:5-6)
 As we continue to examine our text, we see that the foundation has a purpose.
 Just as we ourselves have a purpose!
 We are called to shine the Light of Jesus!
 But we are more than that. Listen to what the Apostle Peter has to say.
 Expound on why this is important.
 We are called “Living Stones!”

III. Choose Jesus Today! (Rev. 3:20)

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