"Jesus speaking and you listening is not child’s play" Reminiscere 2022

2 years ago

Jesus’ interaction with the Syro-Phoenecian woman is a lovely picture of how He interacts with you. What He spoke was as much for her and His disciples as it is for you. In the struggle between what you experience and what He says, Jesus builds trust. He exposes truths that the sinner hates. He ruins misplaced beliefs and false hopes. He devastates selfish esteem and pride. Anything and anyone who gets in His way to saving you are leveled and destroyed.

Jesus doesn’t want trust that falters when you don’t get the answer you want right away. He doesn’t want trust that is dependent on your legacy or ancestry. He doesn’t want trust that claims to deserve or have earned His favor. These are the categories of false hope that talking heads, actors, and puppets wish you to believe. Sit at His feet, listen to what He says, and do whatever He tells you.

Join the congregation of St. John in prayer each day and for Divine Service, each Sunday at 9:30 am, Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, and on festival days, where God serves us with His gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation.

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