Timeline of Events in Revelation

2 years ago

It has never been so important to understand the sequence of events mapped out for us in the Book of Revelation. Once we understand the symbologic language used, we can see a clear picture of the last days of the age we live in. This video of animated charts with Bible references will help clarify the timeline of events in Revelation.

Once we notice the connection between Bible prophecies from the Old Testament to the New Testament, we will be able to recognize current events as they unfold.

Perhaps there has never been a book somisunderstood and so misinterpreted as the Apocalypse (Revelation), written byJohn, the Apostle. Despite the development of numerous charts issued in attempts to map out the seven bowls, seven trumpets, and seven sealscompared to the Day of the Lord, Great Tribulation Period, and Judgement Day,Biblical theoreticians and scholars have struggled to fully map out the correctsequence of events.

Now, with events being revealed to match predictions from the Bible, we can have confidence that God is in control as He planned the "end from the beginning." There is nothing to fear about the great tribulation that lays before us.

Christ describes the coming of end times with an analogy we know well, referring to the onset of this period as “birth pangs.” There is a clear association of signs leading up to the second advent that intensify until their inevitable culmination. This intensification conveys an increase from initial signs that result in “mild”tribulation, to the final outpouring of God’s wrath with the most terrifying depictions.

Matthew 24:8 All these are but the beginning of the birth pains. 
These birthpangs are shown from seals to trumpets to bowl judgments in Revelation, and their magnitude becomes apparent when we examine one term like “earthquake.”

7th Seal - describes “anearthquake”

7th Trumpet - describes “an earthquake and heavy hail”

7th Bowl - describes “a great earthquake suchas there had never been since man was on the earth, so great was that earthquake... And great hailstones, about one hundred pounds each, fellf rom heaven on people; and they cursed God for the plague of the hail, becausethe plague was so severe.”

We will examine the placement of key markers during the last days of this age we live in. Christ gave us this information in advance so we can be prepared for the greatest test in human history.

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