Dajjal and the Metaverse

2 years ago

While google and youtube have a track record of promoting education and education based economic growth, facebook cannot make the same claim and their metaverse project must be taken with bucket of salt. This sudden commercialization of modern Virtual Reality technologies (without establishing their educational value for the masses) could be one of the ways Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal (the false Mesiah) lures people into his trap. Dajjal is an important figure in Islamic eschatology who will manifest himself in physical form near the end of human history. But before that several other dajjals will surface to further the agenda of Iblees. The video reminds us to take modern VR offerings with a grain of salt and not use it as a means to escape our worries. Islam discourages blind fulfillment of one desires. This hedonism strays a person from his ultimate goal as believer and responsible human being.

Other Videos By TheFinalRevelation:
Tawakkal, the Foundation of Iman: https://youtu.be/INdEkyvBUW8
The Reality of Intercession in Islam: https://youtu.be/5NxF1iIuEFw
Surah Haqah Visualized: https://youtu.be/9KHrx0xAHoo
Top 10 Financial Sins in Islam: https://youtu.be/bi6i1s6wsUE

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