Want to Make a Difference...

2 years ago

Want to make a difference... help Russian, Ukrainian small businesses

NCA live video at another Eastern European store...

NCA is very concerned at the proxy war by the US, EU, NATO against Russia in Ukraine. The Ukrainian people are bearing the brunt of this proxy war, which may get a lot worse.

The globalist Western establishment is not only arming with lethal weaponry the Ukrainian military and neo-Nazi groups, but engaging in economic world war against Russia, and now information war against Russia. It is close to a World War.

Unbelievably, Russian media sites are being completely censored in the West by the establishment political puppets and tech giants, and violent xenophobia against Russians is being allowed.

NCA rejects the unhinged madness coming out the West. We know the US, EU, and NATO provoked this war dating back to the US instigated Kiev coup in 2014.

Why all the Western censorship? Are the globalists afraid of the facts regarding bioweapon labs and neo-Nazis?

Are the globalists trying to crash the global economy to usher in their Reset?


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