Crazy powerful AI Smart WiFi System

2 years ago

Crazy powerful AI Smart WiFi System in Public Space

The system runs the AI algorithms...

This NCA live video is a follow-up to our previous video on a powerful WiFi router. We are in Calgary SW at a box store, and our EMF meter has detected extreme radiation well in excess of the safe level at 0.50 V/m peak signal according to the BioInitiative and Building Biology. The federal government standards, Safety Code 6, are beyond corrupt as they completely deny non-thermal health effects, and your arm would literally have to be on fire for these standards to apply.

Why is this the case?

Well 5G and its higher frequencies are fundamental to the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution. So the EMF radiation standards created in 1978 and never updated allow for this Reset, regardless of public health. This Agenda has been in the works for decades. Incremental lockstep.

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