What is the reason for the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

2 years ago

This video was made in the context of state policy.
Why Does Russia Want Ukraine?
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6 февр.
You're being lied to by mainstream media! Weather it's the likes of Reuters, the New York Times, FOX, or the Washington Post - they're all feeding you the same Putin propaganda narative, either knowingly or our out of naivety. It's time you know the truth, as told from inside Ukrainian government intelligence.

Russian-Ukraine tensions continue to build as Kyiv, the Kremlin, and Washington remain deadlocked. According to US intelligence Russian forces have reached a 127,000 troop build up flanking Ukraine on three sides. Russia is setting up field hospitals along Ukraine's borders, an ominous sign that a Russian invasion of Ukraine might be right around the corner.

The United States, British and Canadian embassy staff have been ordered to evacuate and the state department issued a travel warning advisory, followed suit by the UK and Canada. The On US President Joe Biden's orders, the US secretary of state continues it's military support, including strategic weapons and munitions, now totalling $2.5 billion. The pentagon now has 8,500 US troops on stand bye and more military support continues to pour in by other NATO members. While this conflict seems to have reached its boiling point, Russia and the West continue trying to talk it out, but both sides have dug in and now seem deadlocked.

Will Russia Invade Ukraine? Could WW III Break Out?

What many military analysts worry about most is that Putin's increasing propaganda could heighten tensions further, creating a hair-trigger conflict that only takes one miscalculation for this whole mess to escalate into a full blown war, or worse, World War 3.

In order to truly understand what’s going on and, why 127,000 of Russia's military troops are camped out at Ukraine's back door, you need to get inside the head of one man.

This Is Really The Story Of What Vladimir Putin Wants.

Vladimir Putin would have you believe that his life‘s work is to undo what he calls “the greatest political catastrophe of the twentieth century” - the breakup of the Soviet Union. He would have us believe that that’s what he REALLY wants? But remember, Putin always try’s to get his way through lies and deception. So let’s go deeper to see if we can get inside Putin’s head to get to the bottom of the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

Putin's Propaganda Machine - Hybrid Warfare. #ukraine #policy

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