Windowmaker - Ignite The Beacon (FT. Alex Jones)

2 years ago

They could blow my head off tomorrow and I would know I still won, but I got a little bit of a feeling here,
We just got started... don't you??

Yeah, I think so, yeah...
Yeah, I think we just got started didn't we?


You can only get pushed so far in this world,
till you start pushing back,
and I know you feel just like I do, I sense everything in you.
I know you, because I know myself.

I want to just commit to you, I want to promise to you, that we will beat these people...
And they will be broken, and they will fail, and they will be ground into dust...

But we don't do this because we hate them, we do this because we love the children.
We don't attack the enemy because we hate them, though we hate them, we do it because of those behind us

And the STRENGTH of looking at your children, and realizing that if you don't stand up for them, nobody will!



WE are the answer to the Evil.
WE are the rescue team.
We are the cavalry, my friends...

God sent the cavalry, and it is us, and we will DO IT...

And then we will experience the next level what Paul called "Third Heaven"

And nothing will keep us from that communion.

Nothing will keep us from that event, and where we're going. and what we're part of TOGETHER.

Ignite, the Beacon. Ignite the Will.

Ignite, the decision to fight Evil, and to become sanctified and purified.

Send the transmission, and God will respond.

And God will send Angels to guide us in our work, because we are yet children, who need a shepherd...

But we are Children who will inherit the Heavens!

We are Children that hold the Light of God in our hearts and souls, but we don't keep that light for ourselves...

We give that Light back to God in glory, and in praise, and we are resurrected.

Ya feel how close God is now, as Nuclear War approaches...


Satan wants slaves... Lost fools...
Satan is a loser, a Cosmic Con Artist, a fraud...

GOD is real...

And that Great Animator (((of all matter, and all time, and all dimensions, is with us now!)))

And this test... is a test for which God has tears of pain flowing down his cheeks... but also tears of joy.

For those that will pass the test and move to the next level.

This is a big deal... You're on a planet, look around you, all the beauty, all of it, SPECTACULAR!

It's all made, by our Father.

It's all made for us now to make the right decision to join him in eternity.

God is the groom, we are the bride...

And together, we will come together and build the future, build the universe, build the new worlds...
That congress is the future of life, as it expands ever through the consciousness of reality, but there is a war on the other side...

This war we are in now, is only the beginning, soon we will see the true war.

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