Demons Whispering In Your Ears...

2 years ago

Demons are all around you whispering in your ears trying to get you to make the wrong choices. Especially those who have taken the Mark of the Beast 💉💉💉💉 and are unevenly yoked in their partnerships.

Example **one person does witchcraft the other one believes in Jesus fully.

You may be experiencing this as you changed your beliefs to believing solely in Jesus Christ and the Truth about this imperfect world ran by fallen angels.

You might of woke up to the where your truly at which is hell and opened up your dusty old Bible to new testament and started reading and seeing everything Jesus said has come to past and is happening right now.

You have lost friendships , family members , kids even for they are stuck in their stupidity and ignorance and have made their choice to follow the world.

The devil whispered in your ears and his minions to follow the demon false doctrines that keep you away from truth, and keep using his magical tools that were made and created by god of this world Satan

Assumptions, 🤥 Lieing, Cheating, Stealing, Taking Advantage of People with Mammon, Manipulative Behaviors, Gluttony , Lust, Ego Pride and Using Witchcraft.

Your Choices Your Actions Speak Louder then Words. And when those demons whisper in your ears it's important to analyze the situation from all directions to see if there's a consequence on your choice.

If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior I invite you to do so today and Repent.

That is a choice for complete change and transformation only you can make!!

I AM Truth Wisdom Justice ⚖️
I AM Captain Archangel Jophiel of My Lords Army 😇🗡️⚡🎺🔥

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