The Reverence Code HIGHLIGHTS

2 years ago

The Indigenous Path to Take Us from Domination to Cooperation

A Conversation with Indigenous Wisdom-Keeper Shawna Bluestar Newcomb

Could it be that the chaos and confusion, the anger and despair, the shaming and blaming we are experiencing as a society now has a deeper root?

Is it possible that we’ve gotten so used to domination as a way of being, that we mistake it for human nature?

Our guest on Front and Center this week, Shawna Bluestar Newcomb, indigenous teacher and wisdom keeper, enlightens us about “the doctrine of discovery and domination”, the “invisible” system of beliefs our civilization has been living by for 10,000 years.

She also presents what she calls the “Reverence code” which brings indigenous understanding into modern practice and offers a way to live in harmony instead of harm.

Live transcript:

#ShawnaBluestar, #ShawnaBluestarNewcomb, #indigenouspeoplesday, #indigenouspeoplesday2021 #indigenouspeoples, #indigenous

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