Ex Business Partner Tried To Mxxder Family (Reddit Creepy Story)

2 years ago

Top Reddit Stories:Ex Business Partner Tried To Mxxder Family

Full Story
This would’ve happened around twenty odd years ago, very long time ago now and it’s when your father and I ran that call center doing the contracting work for various businesses, all within the financial services industry and roughly around 50 staff including managers and supervisors and so on and so on. Things were a lot different then, the internet was still very much in its infancy as was technology, we didn’t have the same access to things as you would do now if you ran the same kind of operation. On top of this we were running all of this out of a warehouse on an industrial estate right next to a gypsy camp because that’s all we could afford for the amount of floor space we needed.

The campaign we were working on wasn’t going so well for us, for the most part we just worked out of phone books and the likes to get leads as data cost and still does cost a fortune so we were under a lot of stress to meet the sorts of deadlines and promises your father made to our B2B clients so we weren’t in a great place, we were facing the possibility of cutting the staff down to at most 20 agents with 2 managers and that’s when we met Kevin. We’d heard of him from a few associates who ran similar operations as ourselves as someone who could provide leads and generally had the ability to turn companies around, so your dad got in contact with him and went from there really.

We didn’t actually hear back for about a month after contacting him, so we were very much in the mindset of well we’ll all this over, close down and start something else somewhere else and on the day we hyped ourselves up to tell everyone ‘you’ve all lost your jobs’ we get a phone call out of the blue. Who is on the phone? Kevin. Long story short we discussed our situation, discussed his situation, gaged his interest and dressed things up with a little bow on top to perk him up and by the end of the call he’d agreed to come down from Scotland to meet with us and discuss options in person.

So on the Monday we meet with Kevin in the Hilton and I didn’t like him instantly, I thought he was overbearing, condescending and a complete egomaniac but your father and his infinite wisdom decided to hear him out and it turned out Kevin had a huge amount of leads from one of his sources in America and needed a team of sales people to dial them. We’d need to supply 25 agents and in return we’d get a fat back end payment which would allow us to move premises, upgrade equipment etc. So we agreed and a contract was written up and we began our venture.

In order to maintain a more ‘hands on’ approach to the business and to keep his contacts in the US happy, Kevin rented a flat close to the office and would often visit the office to ‘monitor’ progress which would normally consist of him lurking around with a coffee. It’s also important to mention that Kevin had next to no people skills and stuck me as either socially awkward or maybe somewhere on the autistic spectrum or something and soon enough we began to get complaints from some of our younger female staff members that Kevin would watch them too closely and hover around the women’s bathrooms which of course we had to take seriously but we weren’t really in the position to the guy off who was potentially our savior so we would begin to hold meetings every time he showed up to get him off of the floor and into the meeting room which for a time worked but eventually he’d have to take a phone call half way through and excuse himself.

I later learnt from one of the managers that he would hold the phone up to his ears and just watch the girls closely, not saying anything and then follow them into the makeshift kitchen area and press himself up against them, or at least stand very close to them to make them have to ask him to move or brush past him. We decided to hold a meeting with the female members of staff to ask them about their concerns and to ask them if we could do anything to make their time at work more enjoyable, deliberately not mentioning Kevin just to test the waters and one by one they all had something to say about Kevin. Some were just uncomfortable with his general demeanor and some had been groped by him and even propositioned which was the final straw really, so we decided to speak with Kevin and cut ties and look at ways to exit the contract when we get an email from Kevin saying he’s moving back up to Scotland and will only be making quarterly visits, so we’re understandably ecstatic that our lead source remains but contact with staff will be limited and we believe that no more problems shall arise and we can we

On this r/askreddit channel i show you the reddit stories. All you need to do is search reddit stories in the rumble search search.

Source: https://exe.io/NDuwus

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