Is Lucifer Satan? And Why is this Important?

2 years ago

Is Lucifer Satan?

- In this video I tackle the question of whether Lucifer and Satan are the same person in the Bible. I begin by discussing two passages, Genesis 3 and then Ezekiel 28. Then I connect the two to the passage in Isaiah 14 where Lucifer is specifically mentioned.

I then discuss several correlations between how the characters of Lucifer and Satan are presented in the Bible and conclude that the two are in fact one and the same. Finally, I end the video by refuting three very common arguments against my conclusion:

Argument 1
The name Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12 is a Latin word that isn't even original.

Argument 2
Isaiah 14 verse 4 makes it clear that the person Isaiah 14:12 is speaking about is actually the king of Babylon and not Satan.

Argument 3
In Isaiah 14:16 "Lucifer" is literally called a "man", so how can he be the fallen angel Satan if he's a man?

Please watch to the end of the video for a full response to these arguments.

Video by:
Theophilus Most Excellent

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