Return to Silver Lake Dunes Pedestrian Area | Pierre Marquette Fitness Festival | Walk to Lighthouse

2 years ago

July 11, 2021. Cheryl and Tory's last day with us. We returned to the Silver Lake Dunes Pedestrian Area, this time it was not crowded (there was no parking available on the 10th). Then down to Muskegon to walk out to the channel lighthouse. We watched the Manitoulin pass into the channel. We were surprised to find a fitness festival going on. After that we returned to Muskegon State Park and walked along that side of the channel. Returning to camp we stopped at the bolockhouse, but found the view somewhat disappointing. If they watched Lake Michigan from there the trees must have been much shorter. Finally back to camp for pork chops and chicken.

On a very special note, we dropped one of our cameras out on the dunes (or in the picnic/parking lot area) and didn't discover it missing from the bag (which was not zipped all the way) until we stopped at a nearby farmer's market. We came back and asked the ranger at the entrance if anyone had turned in a camera and some wonderful person had found it and turned it in! Much of this footage from the dunes would have been lost if it was not for whoever that wonderful person (or persons) was. Thank you from the bottom of our heart!

More on the Manitoulin:


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