Passive income - Sustainable return in STABLE COINS. Elite Vault Protocol AMA - Launching March 14th

2 years ago

One problem with a lot of node projects right now is that they give a guaranteed return.

But what if your treasury doesn't produce enough to justify those returns?

Well, then the price of the coins plummet.

Elite Vault Protocol is taking a different approach. They are giving out returns in STABLE COINS.

0:00 - Intro - My plan for the channel
1:01 - TLDR
4:50 - Introducing the Elite Vault Protocol Team
9:40 - Is the team doxxed?
15:03 - What is Elite Vault Protocol?
19:27 - My summing it up how it works
23:20 - What is on your roadmap?
25:33 - How can people get involved?
32:28 - Conclusion
32:39 - My final thoughts and giveaway information

Elite Vault Protocol Website:

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