Masks Deprive You of Oxygen (Duh!)

2 years ago

Wearing masks, as we're currently being forced to do by the criminal, illegitimate government that rules over us interferes with our ability to breath in proper amounts oxygen as we are intended to by our Creator, or by Evolutionary Biology, whichever you prefer. That's a unacceptable violation of our Natural, Constitutionally-guaranteed Right to Life itself. After all, without sufficient amounts of oxygen, "life" for human beings simply becomes impossible. Likewise, being forced to breath-in too much carbon dioxide, as we're now forced to while we are wearing masks can also be destructive to our lives.

Notice that I didn't say "our" government. Why? Because, in my opinion, we no longer have a legitimate government "of, by, and for the People," as Lincoln so famously described the U.S. government. Instead, what we now have in this country is a criminal, illegitimate, "occupational government," a ruling "junta" that only pretends to be legitimate. This illusion of legitimacy can only be maintained by and through its control of the mainstream propaganda media, which itself is owned by the same Thirteen Families who molded and control all government.

That's right, folks. Believe-it-or-not, we have an indefeasible, immutable, and unalienable Right to breath in life-giving oxygen from our environment, and we have the right to do so without any interference being imposed upon that Right us by the state. Being able to breathe freely, in an inseparable part of the Right to Life itself.

Under Constitution for the United States of America, We The People are guaranteed the rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, all three of which are now being nakedly abrogated and undermined by the government with their mandatory masking, social distancing, and [unlawful] house arrest edicts, which cannot be considered "Lawful" mandates at all, because they are repugnant to the Constitution, and anathema to the purposes for which our nation was formed.

No other legal argument needs to be made. However, I will, nonetheless, make other compelling medical and psychological arguments against wearing masks as we are currently being forced to by those political whores who pretend to be serving us.

Not only do these mask "mandates" and "edicts" (again, not Laws in under any classic definition of the word), violate our Constitutionally-protected Natural Rights, they are ineffective at filtering viruses, which is a scientifically-proven fact. Masks are actually quite destructive to our health and psychological well-being as human beings in several ways.

In fact, there is absolutely no beneficial aspects to wearing a mask, except for the purposes of wearing them temporarily in a hospital or clinical setting for which they were originally designed. Outside of that, human beings just aren't designed to separate their respiratory system from the natural environment.

When you're wearing a mask, not only are you [slowly] being brain damaged by the deprivation of oxygen, you are also bathing yourself in bacteria, viruses, and carbon dioxide which build-ups in the mask after you've worn it for a substantial amount of time. Most people do not dispose of their mask after they use it just one time, and for ONLY a short period of time, as they should. Instead, they tend to save their mask and wear it over and over again. I've seen my own family members do this, even though I've cautioned them many times not to.

As we exhale, bacteria and viruses that were meant to be exhaled into the environment build up in the mask, and these antigens (bacteria and viruses) remain trapped in the mask close to our mouth where they are subsequently re-inhaled and exhaled over and over again. This causess our "viral load" and "bacterial load" to go up, which may in turn cause us to become ill from a bacterial or viral infection that we otherwise would have been unaffected by, because the "load" was insufficient to place us at any risk of becoming ill.

This is the case with most people who have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 using the fraudulent and ill-suited RT-PCR device (not a "test"), which do not test for the presence of viruses nor diagnose any disease at all. Sure. They've got the virus, but these people who test "positive" probably have lots of potentially deadly viruses besides SARS-Cov-2. Yet, because the viral load was low, the virus was essentially defeated by their immune systems. Not only that, because these people were exposed to just small amounts of the virus, their bodies produced antibodies, memory T-cells, and killer lymphocytes that effectiovely make them immune from the illness, perhaps for the rest of their lives. This, in fact, the theory of how [traditional] vaccines help us build immunities to the things for which we are vaccinated.

Just separating ourselves from the viruses and bacteria (the anitgens) that always present in the air and those which we are exposed to by contact with other people and objects actually weakens our immune systems, which, just like our muscles, need regular exercise in order to remain strong and working properly. Give me a strong immune system any day, and I will have nothing to fear from the SARS-CoV-2, or just about any other natrally-occurring virus. In fact, viruses are more our friends than our foes, for without viruses life as we know it would be impossible.

One of the finer points I could make about masks, at least the surgical masks and fabric masks that most people are wearing is that they are ineffective at filtering viruses. Even though, for some unknown reason, never properly isolated the SARS-CoV-2 in accordance with NIH "Gold Standard" procedures for doing so, like they have with all other "pandemic" level viruses, and therefore they cannot quantify (measure) the virus, it is believed to be about .01 microns in size. Even the best N95 masks that you could buy only filter [95%] of particles larger than .03 microns in size. Therefore, believing that masks are effective at filtering viruses is like believing that chain-link fences are effective at filtering sand that's being thrown at it. Sure. It wil stop some of the sand, but most will get through, where it will likely build-up inside your mask, and increase the viral load on your immune system.

Not good things.

On average, your oxygen levels (your ability to breath in life-sustaining oxygen from the environment) are reduced by about 20%-30% while you are wearing a mask, depending on the type of mask you wear. N-95 masks reduce the most oxygen, of course, due to their finer mesh profile.

Long term oxygen deprivation not only leads to hypoxia (low oxygen levels in the body's tissues and organs), and hypoxemia (low oxygen levels in the blood), neither of which is, in any way, good for your health, it can also can even cause neurological and psychological damage to you as well, including, but not limited to decreased cognition. However, that's not a problem for those who wish to enslave you. It's a hell of a lot easier to lord over people who are brain-damaged. Isn't it?

What's worse is the damage that long-term mask wearing can cause to children. Long term oxygen deprivation in children can cause them to suffer dementia and retarded brain development. Let's not forget that children's brains are in the developmental stage, and are therefore more vulnerable to things like oxygen deprivation. To me, that's the greatest crime of all here. Children are basically unaffected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and the statistics prove that. In fact, they are actually more likely to die from the Seasonal Flu than they are from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. So, requiring that children wear masks is the Mother of All Crimes Against Humanity, in my opinion. Kids need full access to all of the oxygen they can get.

That's not to mention the psychological issues associated with wearing masks like we're being forced to. Wearing masks is dehumanizing, for the rob of of our identity, and our ability to fully express our emotions to other human beings.
OSHA says that masks are not allowed when workers are exerting themselves in the workplace, and that the minimum oxygen levels in the workplace must be at least 19%

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