Wild Hummingbirds Show Complete Trust In Human

2 years ago

Hummingbirds are beautiful, but tiny creatures. They are among the smallest of the bird species. Their miniature bodies are fragile. And yet, these gorgeous little birds trustingly perch on the hand of this gigantic human to sip nectar from a tiny cup in his outstretched palm. Such a wonderful interaction with these birds is heart warming.

Hummingbirds are not only beautiful, they are also very fascinating. They have the highest metabolic rate of any warm blooded animal. They are able to enter a hibernation-like state during food scarcity or periods of rest to compensate for their lower caloric intake. During these times, their metabolism may be reduced to 1/15th its normal rate.

There are 360 species of hummingbird found throughout the Americas, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. All species eat insects, although their primary source of food is nectar which they sip from flowers with their specialized beaks and tongues.

Aptly named, hummingbirds make an audible humming sound as they hover, due to their rapid wingbeats. Some species flap their wings as many as 90 times per second. Swift flyers, they are also capable of reaching speeds up to 80km/h (50mph) during steep dives.

Interacting with nature and observing animals on their own terms is an unforgettable experience. Having such a tiny animal perch contentedly on your hand is something that warms the heart.

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