Order Out of Chaos

2 years ago

The world is currently being enslaved by a relatively small group of multi-billionaire psychopaths who pretend to be the saviors of humanity. Yet, these demons who we see and hear so much from publicly are just legates; the viziers for a hereditary elite class consisting of only thirteen Edomite central banking families [1] who are the ones that are really behind the evil that we are witnessing in the world, especially since they took control of the U.S. monetary system in 1913. [2]
You will NEVER hear or see anything from these people, or any mention of them from the mainstream propaganda media. Yet, they are the real power and the real evil that's at work in this world, not folks like Gates, Schwab, Soros, et. al. who you see and hear so much from Those are all just front men were all "made" (created and empowered) by the Thirteen Families.
The technique they're currently using to overthrow human civilization as we've know it for hundreds of years is called "ORDO AB CHAO," which is a Latin expression of [of Jesuit origin], meaning Order out of Chaos. It's actually the motto of the Thirty-third Degree of Freemasonry, a secret society to which all of these banking family members have belonged to for centuries.
ORDO AB CHAO is, in fact, a strategy that's long been used by the Thirteen Families in order to accomplish their diabolical, multi-generational plan of achieving complete, worldwide hegemony-- their "New World Order." by and through the Hegelian Dialect, or what is more simply called the Problem-Reaction-Solution Dialectic.
This Hegelian Dialect has been used by the ruling class to engineer human societies for hundreds of years. It has three steps: First, you create a PROBLEM, or claim that a problem exists, where one actually doesn't. Then, in the second step, you fan the flames of REACTION to this problem by using the sock puppet media outlets that you own or control in order to fear-monger and elevate the issue to the point where the public is demanding a solution (stampeding in the direction that you want). In the third step, you offer the public a SOLUTION to the problem--your solution; the one you already cooked-up way before you began this process, and which, if finally implemented, only you, or your agenda, will benefit from.
Using this dialectic of Problem-Reaction-Solution, conflict and chaos are created at great cost of lives and resources in order to dismantle the social and political structures by which once free societies like ours are intended to be governed; ultimately to be replaced with centralized power and control of the people and our resources.
This dialectic is called the Hegelian Dialectic, and its a key component of the Luciferian/Masonic system, which is not just a religious system, but also political system, [3] the one being imposed upon humanity right now by the elite banking families which, quite literally, have long owned and/or controlled this world.
That's what this giant, worldwide, COVID-19 PSYOP and Globalist takeover operation is. It's the problem that these demons created in order to provide the excuse they need to herd humanity into the feedlot that is their New World Order.
However, let's not forget that a feedlot is just one degree of separation removed from a slaughterhouse, which is exactly where we're all headed if we don't get off our knees, throw the stupid masks in the trash, and start saying "NO!" for a change.
1. The Thirteen Families...
2. Order out of Chaos, a Jesuit Masonic Motto

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