Why Do You Believe?

3 years ago

If you are an Atheist, Muslim, Agnostic, Christian, Jew, Hindu, or Pantheist ask yourself the question, Why do I believe my Faith is True? Is it because of your family traditions, culture, friends, school, or society? Have you examined the evidence for your belief system? For example, let's say you believed with all your heart you can fly...when you climb to the top of the Eiffel tower and jump, your faith meets reality as your body hits the ground. All your faith in the world did not make you fly, because you had a false belief.

Do you have evidence for what you believe? If you were in a courtroom, and you were the lawyer representing your beliefs, what evidence do you have? The atheist will say, "I have the "Darwinian" explanation of life as proof God does not exist" The Christian can respond, I have Isaiah 53, written 700 years before the birth of Jesus, as proof that Jesus has fulfilled the writings of Isaiah the prophet. These are examples of evidence, the next step is to examine the evidence.

Many have faith in false belief systems because their belief is based on tradition, family, and culture, not evidence. In this video and the videos to follow we want to examine the evidence of belief.

We will prove from Evidence, why the Christian faith is the TRUE faith, based on evidence. Because the Christian faith is True, this makes other beliefs systems false. This is the logic, of the Law of Non-Contradiction, as put forward by Aristotle, two contradictory positions cannot both be true.

Please feel free to let me know what you think of this video and others.
Website is truthdebate.com

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