TMoT - Ep.4 All - CV 1984 Data, War & Prices

2 years ago

Welcome to episode 4 from The Mark of Today channel. I once again had a lot of things I wanted to get into but it's been a long week and its early on a Saturday so my brain isn't working as well as I was hoping LOL.
In this episode I review some cd 1984 data from Canada as well as talk a bit about pricing that I actual have first hand knowledge in. Gas, Oil, Fertilizers etc. I'm going to record a quick amendment to this as I forgot something important. I wanted to also mention the drastic increase in the price difference between regular gas and Diesel fuel. Usually it has been only around a 1 cent or 2 cent difference but have a look at it now-a-days. The other day I seen an Esso stations where there was a 25 cent higher cost on diesel! Almost all logistics and transportation systems, ie. Transports, Trains, Ships use this. The effect is going to be catastrophic on the price of all things including necessities such as Food if that continues. Stock up now, stay safe and stay free. God bless us all. Cheers!

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