Obama built 300 bioweapons labs in his 8 years in office, leaving others to Lie about it...

2 years ago

Source: Cosmic Light Force Channel on Telegram:

Well that was fast — they’re ADMITTING there’s biological ‘research materials’ in Ukraine. If you can read energy, you can tell she’s nervous & lying. This a great person to put on a lie detector test — she will fail for sure!

‘Scared of Russians gaining control of these facilities’ 🚨👀🚨

Docs Leaked From Top-Secret Ukraine Biolab Show U.S. Was Performing Deadly Biological Experiments

Russia Accuses US Of Placing Bio-Weapons Labs On Its Borders

These biolabs sadly prove to the world that the United States leadership turned out to be the biggest terrorist organization in the world. That ended with Trump and now Putin is pushing hard to solidify these facts.

Three former Presidents - Bush, Clinton, and Obama and many below them are Freemason/Satin-loving terrorist murderers. Sorry to be so blunt, but the truth is and will continue to pour out.

George Bush Sr. orchestrated and brought down the towers on 9/11, Bill Clinton killed and stole billions with the Clinton Foundation (don't get me started on his witch wife HRC), and now we find out Obama was the orchestrator of building bioweapons labs all over the world - now coming to light in Ukraine.

If you haven't woken up, Putin is ridding the world of the Neo-Nazi's running Ukraine which is still part of the old USSR - so Putin is cleaning his own back yard, not committing any act of war.

Just search for the fake scenes out of movies or prior conflicts from other wars that the DS is saying are real war shots - totally fake. The New World order is pushing to start this war so they can go in and reclaim any remaining bioweapon labs. That's because if their bioweapon labs go down, they loose the ability to create the next scamdemic to further their New World Order.

Fortunately this charade of a war will end, and eventually DJT will return legally and very soon.

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