Exotic Captured Nazi Technology

2 years ago

Exotic Captured Nazi Technologies. This is a 7-hour lecture by Vladamir Terzinski, a Bulgarian engineer who escaped Communism and migrated to America in the 70's. How ironic and unfortunate it is for him and us all that, at just about the same time in history when Russia was throwing off the iron yoke of Communism, America was being hypnotized by the spell of that anti-human ideology. International Communism is now called Globalism or Technocracy.
In this lecture, you will see Vladamir unveil exotic German technologies that were vacuumed up by the Allied Powers after WWII, and then used to produce things that we see everyday in our country's military and space applications. Some of the technology has been hidden from the public, because it would be disruptive to the established paradigm. He also goes into great detail, explaining how some of these technologies work, presenting hundreds of technical drawings and photographs that were captured from the Nazis, but were hidden away from the public's eye by the U.S. government, which is not interested in the general public making use of these remarkable technologies, which include, but are not limited to anti-gravity propulsion and over-unity energy systems that could have been powering our civilization decades ago.
Secrets of the Third Reich

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