Preparing Home for Ostomy Surgery Recovery | Dealing With Mobility Issues Post Hospitalization

2 years ago

Preparing Home for Ostomy Surgery Recovery | Dealing With Mobility Issues Post Hospitalization

In keeping with my aim to share my personal experience, strength, and hope, with the goal that someone else may find it helpful, this video is based on what I did prior to my surgery date, but is not an exhaustive list (I have more to share but will save for future video's since this is long enough LOL!), and I'm including additional info (other web & channel links etc...) for you in the details below.

Before surgery: PART ONE
- [ ] Pay bills in advance
- [ ] Meal planning
- [ ] Cleaning // laundry etc...
- [ ] Pet care // feeding, walking, grooming etc...
- [ ] Asking for help // friends, family, church, food banks, (dial 211 in the U.S.A.)
- [ ] Hire a housekeeper for even one time
- [ ] Delegate to your kids, family
- [ ] Buy specific foods for YOU ahead of time
- [ ] Order #ostomy samples & supplies in advance
- [ ] Big 3 Manufacturers USA (Hollister, ConvaTec & Coloplast)
- [ ] Organize or set aside a specific place where you’ll keep your supplies - so you know where they’ll be in case of leak & need for unplanned bag change

After & recovering at home: PART TWO
- [ ] May actually feel great & relief!
- [ ] My surgery was a great success
- [ ] My stoma woke up right away (faster than my leg!)
- [ ] Rare complication with TAP block but excellent pain control
- [ ] May take some time for energy to return
- [ ] If mobility issues a bedside bowl, bottle water, baby wipes or even a camping / RV style porta potty next to the bed can help
- [ ] For urinating and emptying / rinsing pouch
- [ ] Use camping toilet paper or RV approved
- [ ] Request a home health or #stoma nurse assistance in the beginning if not provided in hospital
- [ ] The more you change your appliance the better you’ll get at it!
- [ ] Just relax, breathe 🙂
- [ ] Strive for progress, not perfection

Rest 💜

The Serenity Prayer (short version):

God grant me the serenity,
to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

A little background on the prayer:

Also, this book (“Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster: A Guide Of Mind-Body Techniques”) was given to me about 22 years ago when I was facing a kidney surgery and could not shake the anxiety. It helped tremendously. I literally recorded on a tape recorder, my own voice playing positive messages to myself. I added some of my favorite worship music and prayers. I asked the OR staff to only speak positive words while I was "under". I took many of the steps suggested and though it was a major, 6 hour surgery, I recovered 100%.

AND for some additional reference, here is an excellent quick video from Shield HealthCare on recovery post op too:

What tips can you share with us?

If you’ve found this video to be helpful, please consider liking and subscribing (hit that bell 🔔 too) so that you can get new videos in your feed as soon as they drop AND so that YouTube will share with others it may help too. Thanks!

Y’all Live Blessed!

- [ ] #ConvaTec Natura Moldable Wafer 411802, Natura Pouch 416418. Mini pouch info: the old number was 416408 but it was discontinued by ConvaTec for a new 6” with a filter. Unfortunately, the new product number is not legible on my samples. You can order these as sample using that old number for reference but you’ll need to call them.
- [ ] #SensiCare adhesive remover wipes & spray
- [ ] #Coloplast #Brava deodorant (for inside pouch)
- [ ] Hollister Adapt stoma powder
- [ ] 3M Cavilon skin prep wipes & spray
- [ ] Doggie bags (from Dollar Tree) to dispose of used appliance & cleaning supplies
- [ ] Viva Signature Cloth paper towels
- [ ] #HyTape (pink)
- [ ] Huggies Natural Care baby wipes
- [ ] Coloplast Brava Elastic Strips; “Y” - 120721 & “C” - 120700
The Big 3 manufacturers I use products from (Choose country)
- [ ] Coloplast:
- [ ] ConvaTec:
- [ ] #Hollister:

VIDEOLEAP by LIGHTRICKS Unlimited app: video editing & audio tracks used with permission (in order of appearance): “A Safe Place”

Canva: miscellaneous graphics, gifs & thumbnails (currently utilizing free version!)

Apple: video capture & photos (iPhone 11)

Lighting: UBeesize Ring Light Set (was a gift but was told available on Amazon :-)

@OstomyDiaries (shoe holder idea)
#UOAA reference guide for eating:
Link Tree has all my connections in one easy place!

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