Whisltblower Pie Episode #5 03/08/2022

2 years ago

Tonight's Guest; Valerie Lopez, Joseph Esquivel, and Linda Nash (of Nash v BofA)

This piece of the pie is about a woman who was a mortgage broker, real estate agent and seasoned realtor. Valerie Lopez. Valerie has had an Orange County California DA investigator, Damon Tucker, who in lieu of helping her attempted to have her arrested and jailed, his attempts failed as Tucker also failed his duties to stopping the real criminals. Valerie fought back and today continues to. She has had 2 of 3 UD's reversed, she had a BK judge who was known in Orange county as the "BofA Judge" known to side with the bank she and her husband have affiliations with, Katherine Bauer, who has since retired. Valerie also went in front of Judge David O Carter who allowed fraud upon the court against her, and now she battles on with strong facts in evidence . She had an audit of records done by our second guest, Joe Esquival. Joe can be reached (512) 869-3721

Joe is a licensed private investigator through Texas DPS( Department of Safety) forensic document specialist who follows the trail of the facts in evidence, he finds the flaws, the crimes and the clouded title issues that millions of homeowners have lost their homes, some have saved them too.

Our third guest today is Linda Nash, BofA v Nash. Linda is the founder and head of Homeowners Legal Rights out of Florida and stands firm on our God given rights. Linda just finished heading the Property Rights Summit in Florida on February 26 and this summit has kick started the energy of the people again. She works tirelessly through the legislative and executive branches to remind those given the duty to protect our land records of their duties and requirements to we the people.

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