100Servings Plays LOST DIMENSION! Part 3: Poor Judgement

2 years ago

We're finally in the judgement room, but how do we choose who's going to get erased? Everyone has been contributing and helpful. Someone would have to do the dumbest thing imaginable in a crisis for everyone to turn on them! I'm sure the traitor has a well thought out and executed diabolical plan. Something they've labored over and considered every detail. Oh, wait, I forgot! It's one of these meatheads, so I'm sure it will be stupid and obvious with zero forethought.

This video released a little late, but the thumbnail made it totally worth it. It was a lot of work, but every challenge is a chance to learn something new!

0:00 Prepare for judgement!
0:30 That's some janky walking animation...
0:48 Do we really need that many screens?
3:14 The End arrives!
13:58 The plan flops into action
23:55 Super Happy Game Show Fun Time!
25:19 And the results are in!
29:04 Agito tries to rob a corpse
31:56 We out

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