Royce is 100% White

2 years ago

I rarely get behind candidates for office. Why? Because there just aren't many good ones out there who support the type of limited Constitutional government that was intended for our nation, or the ideas of America First Populism like I do. However, there are a few exceptions to that rule. One is Marjorie Taylor Green, a Congresswoman from Florida, and another is the man you'll meet in this video, "Rolls" Royce White, who ran against that far-Left demon, Ilhan Abdullahi Omar (a foreign-born Communist) in Minnesota's 5th congressional District who married her brother in order to enter the country. He didn't win, but we in the Freedom Movement catapulted him into his current role as a podcastr and social influencer.
White understands that America is in a fight for its life against the greatest enemy our nation has ever faced, which is not Russia or COVID-19 or Climate Change, or anything else other than the Globalists who have been herding America, along with the rest of the world, into the waiting arms of their New World Order (see The Great Reset) for over 100 years now.
I actually donated to this man's campaign, even though I live in Alaska. That's how much I respect White's depth of understanding about what has to be done both in and out of Congress in order to get our nation back on the road to peace, prosperity, and freedom that we were diverted from by the central banking families in 1913, when we gave that small group, most of whom are not even Americans, by the way the exclusive power to create unlimited amounts of unbacked, unredeemable, counterfeit U.S. currency, a unfathomable power which have they have used since that time to buy up ownership and/or control of the the world.
In my opinion, he's 100% White about everything. Listen to what he has to say, and decide for yourself. I think you'll agree that he is.
See my essay on the Thirteen Families:

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