Problem with Indian cuisine and Bad food habits of Indians. KB Punjabi Podcast #62

2 years ago

This Episode of Kaka Balli Punjabi Podcast talks about indian cuisine. This episode's idea occurred to me when i took my friend to an indian restaurant, where food was really appreciated taste wise, but critiqued for lack of protein and healthy options. In this episode i try to explain the bad conditioning of our food habits, lack of motivation and increase in our excuses to not exercise, as our age progresses. I compare my childhood in Punjab with current childhood of Punjab, and how we transitioning from "No food society" to "Bad food society" and How indian kids are heading towards obesity. The Junk food corporation for e.g. Domino, KFC, McD etc, have no standards in India and they are doing anything to make their food more addictive in India, as no regulations from Indian Govt is pushing them towards compliance. How combination of India being a eating culture and No promotion of health from govt is pushing India towards a disaster.

#IndianCuisine #Punjabi #food

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