Dancing With The Devil. Luciferian Worshippers are EVERYWHERE.

3 years ago

If you know the Satanic hand gestures, you know there are Satan worshippers EVERYWHERE.

The covering of one eye is the Freemason's way of saying "Turn a Blind Eye" to what they are doing - child torture and killing and production of adrenochrome (look it up!).

Some have tried and successfully escaped the Satanic clutches, but not many. Michael Jackson is one. He is in the Federal Witness Protection program and will "come back to life" when the Alliance determines many of the "dead" will return.

Most of Hollywood is a pedophilia sewer. Many of the "stars" in movies, TV and music have been arrested and some executed by military tribunal. If you doubt that, why don't you see any headlines from the Hollywood elite decrying any of the happening surrounding Covid-19, the so called "war" in Russia/Ukraine?

Why have dozens and dozens of Hollywood elite been selling their homes and selling their music inventory?

Because by executive order under the Trump administration, by executive order (one which the faux president Biden has NOT reversed), the property of anyone found to be committing crimes against humanity and/or treason, forfeit their property to the United States and are given an ultimatum - be executed immediately or be put in prison for life, and in exchange you're legacy will be left in tact, and your death will be by suicide or accident.

Kobe Bryant - accidental helicopter crash (although it is rumored that was staged and he is also in the Federal Witness Protection Program).

Robin Williams suicide several years ago. Is he also in the FWPP?

Other's suspected: Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Rush Limbaugh (who many are saying is Jim Morrison who did not die but had reconstructive surgery to change hjis appearance and he resurfaced as Rush). Rush's passing over a year ago was because when the dead come back to life after having been in the FWPP, he will return as Jim Morrison. Strange and impossible?

Just as strange and impossible as what the government has kept from it's citizens for decades and all that is about to be revealed when the 10 days of darkness happens.

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