Google Whistleblower Sites Blacklist of New Energy Technology

2 years ago
506 - News

See video of testimony of google whistle blower Zach Vorhies where he describes new censorship rules inducted by google to "blacklist" Andrea Rossi's website .

Low energy nuclear reaction devices refered to as LENR, are nothing new. LENR type devices were once introduced to the world in 1989 by Stanley Pons of the University of Utah and Martin Fleishchmann of the University of Southampton under the moniker "Cold Fusion". Their discovery then boasted a co-efficient of 100 times energy output to that of the input. However, remarkably, their US patents were later denied and allowed to expire upon claims that they were incapable of reproducing the results upon which the patents were written. What sort of scientific researcher would stake their reputation upon a patent for a process that they were unable to repeat?

Now for the last 6 or more years we have had the E-Cat, another LENR device provided by Andrea Rossi. Rossi's device has been tested and repeated and confirmed by many independent universities and skeptic societies alike. Much similar to the Cold Fusion of Pon's and Fleishchmann, the E-Cat utilizes a reactor containing heavy hydrogen or Deuterium. With Rossi's device, his reactor is known to use powdered nickel metal, lithium and lithium aluminum hydride (LaAlH4) and produces in its spent ash a deposit of copper. Which speculates a catalytic reaction is taking place to produce the excessive energy output. Recently in Aug of 2015 Rossi was awarded a US Patent for his apparatus and then later in 2016 he completed a full year-long test of his device in which he stated they had “generated energy at a rate in excess of six (6) times the amount of energy consumed by the plant, often generating energy exceeding fifty (50) times the amount of energy consumed during the same period.”

A legal battle deputing ownership of the E-Cat intellectual property ensued shortly there-after through which Rossi retained ownership rights. To this reporter it would appear, that if there ever were a case for an over unity device, Rossi's E-cat and LENR technology as a whole could provide evidence which would rewrite modern scientific definitions. For no chemical reaction known to science has been able to account for the abundance of heat generated by the catalytic fusion reaction of Rossi's E-cat LENR apparatus. It is also the opinion of this video's author that when involved with new energy technology, what we as the public are allowed to know is only as very small percentage of what is already fully understood by the military industrial complex of our western nations. But even that little bit is jeopardized by powerful interest groups.

Now enter Zach - "The Google whistle blower" (courtesy of Project Veritas) . In an interview with youtube channel producer of 'Justinformed Talk", Zachary V*****s raised the subject of blacklist censorship being specifically deployed to delist Andrea Rossi's website in 2017 along with directed censorship against exposure involving stories which covered the Las Vegas shooting at that time. (Justinformed Talk - youtube channel interview with Zach V*****s.)

For as long as we rely upon massive Silicon Valley conglomerates to provide for our freedom of information, it is becoming increasingly apparent that a potential form of abundant clean energy would never be allowed to be disseminated freely, whether fully realized or not.

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