How to create a NFT minting website (No Code) | The easiest way / best method

2 years ago

If you have been wanting to create a NFT minting website for your not collection, that looks professional and just like those of big projects such as for example invisible friends, Bored apes or crypto punks then this is the perfect video for you! This video contains a complete walkthrough from the nft smart contract creation process to the actual nft website building. This is safe to say the best and easiest way to create a NFT website that is high quality. Also there is no code, so it is really simple. In the end of this video you should be able to sell your nft collection on your custom nft mint site, and make yourself some money with your own NFTs.
Make sure to give it a try, who knows, your project might be the next big thing!
What is a nft?
NFT stands for non-fungible token, which basically means that it's a one-of-a-kind digital asset that belongs to you and you only. The most popular NFTs right now include artwork and music, but can also include videos and even tweets. These NFTs can be bought and traded on nft marketplaces such as opensea or solart. The biggest NFT project on the Etherium based marketplace opensea right now are the Bored ape yacht club, the doodles and of course the crypto punks.

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