This Is What Is Happening, Depopulation and Financial Theft

2 years ago


In about 156 different countries, the World Health Organization is working with a non-profit foundation called COVax to implement a worldwide QR code passport system and shipping these mRNA bioweapons to each country to innoculate "kill" each countries population. It transfers the wealth of the citizens to the government in the form of land and money held in Banks when they die. This is part of the Great Reset that Klaus Schwab and others in the cabal have been planning for over 30 years now. It's even happening in Oklahoma. My healthcare service at Utica clinic has an app called MyChart that requests me to put in all my vaccination information. In the Philippines, you have to show your QR code before you go into each business. If you're approved you get to go into that business if you're not they stop you and turn you away. This is happening almost everywhere outside the United States. It's coming here too. If you want to help me stop this medical tyranny, please join my group. We will be working with attorneys locally to help support and serve hospitals, clinics, businesses and organizations with court orders to stop these illegal activities in our communities so that something like what has happened the last two years will never happen again.

If you're interested go to to learn more about the short-term, and longer range goals of the organization.

These people must be stopped before it is too late.

Disguised as something humanitarian but so evil.

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