Darlings of the Media: Jussie Smollett and Michael Avenatti

2 years ago

0:00 Robin Roberts ABC Interview. Smollett: "What people need to hear is just the truth."

0:07 Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC. MSNBC makes up claim that Smollett was attacked by two white males wearing MAGA hats. Not even Smollett claimed this.

0:41 Smollett didn't just fake a hate crime. He purposely slandered all Americans who voted for Donald Trump.

0:47 Surveillance video from store where Osundairo brothers bought supplies for the crime.

1:01 Dave Chappelle: "Can you imagine if you were a police veteran taking this kid's police report?"

1:11 Police bodycam footage from initial report.

1:18 Smollett producer: "He's like a star. He works on the show Empire. He doesn't want this to be made a big deal."

1:26 Inside Smollett's apartment. He still has the noose around his neck.

1:37 Police to Smolett: "You wanna take it off or anything?"

1:54 That a man like Jussie so entrenched in the liberal ideology of victimhood would do such a thing is not surprising. What is surprising is how the media gobbled up his lies without the slightest bit of due diligence.

2:08 The Real Show. Adrienne Eliza Houghton: "I don't like that it is being put out there in the media that this is a possible hate crime."

2:30 Jeannie Mai: "I'm disgusted by people who wear MAGA hats."

2:34 Tamera Mowry "He was demeaned. He was degraded. He had bleach poured onto him."

3:14 Loni Love "They are looking for a video tape...."

"I don't believe Jussie is making this up."

3:23 CBC News, Zulekha Nathoo: "They [his siblings] weren't sure if he should come and do this performance, but in the end they realized that it is all part of his healing process."

3:38 The Talk, Sarah Gilbert: "The media has really cast so much doubt on his story which I find so personally offensive."

3:45 ABC, Robin Roberts: "He's given a detailed account. An account that Chicago police have said is consistent and credible."

3:52 CNN: "His attackers hurled racial and homophobic slurs at him."

"And this is America in 2019."

4:00 Kamala Harris stumbles in justifying tweet in which she claims the hoax was "an attempted modern day lynching" and Jussie is "one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know."

4:23 Chicago Police Chief Eddie Johnson: "To stage a hate crime of that nature when he knew as a celebrity it would get a lot of attention is dispicable."

4:38 ET, Sangita Patel What he [Chicago police chief] said makes me angry."

"He made him sound like he was guilty. He's not guilty!"

4:49 Jussie Smollett "I would not be my mother's son if I was capable of even one drop of what I am being accused of."

"I am a man of faith!"

5:05 The Real, Loni Love "C'mon yall. It was no victims. They can't really prove it!"

5:10 Amanda Seales: "Even if it was a hoax for the sake of bringing attention to this, that is low key noble!"

"There's no such thing as a hate crime for white people who are not LGBTQ."

6:02 Loni Love "The reason why we have someone like Amanda who has a Masters in African American studies is just for these types for topics!"

6:13 Newsnation "There's still so many questions. How is your brother doing, mentally, emotionally?"

6:35 Jojo Smollett "It would make no sense for him to go and do something like this."

7:37 Loni Love "BLM has voiced their support. They say police should quote never be trusted."

"Jussie called me to give me his side of the story."

7:59 Next News Network, Savanah Hernandez.

Dr. Melina Abdullah from BLM: "In our commitment to abolition, we can never believe the police, especially yhe Chicago Police Department over Jussie Smollett, a Black man who has been courageously present, visible, and vocal in the struggle for Black freedom."

Part 2: Michael Avenatti

-8:50 Michael Avenatti was paraded around the main stream media as a hero and a presidential contender until his lies caught up to him.

-8:57 CNN, Brian Stelter. Avenatti made no less than 244 appearnces on main stream media.

-9:39 Stelter to Avenatti "Looking ahead to 2020, one of the reasons I'm taking you seriously as a contender is because of your presence on cable news."

-9:45 MSNBC "Michael Avenatti. We have seen nobody like this. It doesn't look like they've met their match in Michael Avenatti. It looks like they've met the lawyer who can crush them [the Trump administration]."

-10:17 Bill Maher "He's not only the attorney who represent Storm Daniels. He is Donald Trump's worst nightmare."

"You are something of a folk hero now."

"But let's be honest. The whole reason we are in love with you and Stormy is because we think you guys are the tip of the spear that is going to help us take down Donald Trump!"

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