No one will stop God from pouring out His judgements!!

2 years ago

God will crush the wicked and no one will stop Him at all! He will crush Ukraine, America and everywhere and no one has any chance after the rapture happens because things will get far worse and God will pour out His wrath and anger on the entire world!! America will get hit with Russia, Iran, China, North Korea attacking and killing everyone they see and taking prisoners back to China and Russia, earthquake will hit the west coast so hard no one will survive it, volcanoes in America will erupt, tsunami will hit the east coast and people will drown, this is God judgement of America and will destroy America and there will be no more America at all, the 7 year tribulation is time of the antichrist beast rule and God pouring out His tribulation judgements on the lukewarm, Israel for rejecting Jesus and on the wicked and those who worship the antichrist will hit the hardest!! God is very angry and has had enough!!!!!

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